Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Scarlet Letter Essays (488 words) - English-language Films
The Scarlet Letter Adultery, betrayal, promiscuity, subterfuge, and intrigue, all of which would make an excellent coming attraction on the Hollywood scene and probably a pretty good book. Add Puritan ideals and writing styles, making it long, drawn out, tedious, wearisome, sleep inducing, insipidly asinine, and the end result is The Scarlet Letter. Despite all these things it is considered a classic and was a statement of the era. The Scarlet Letter is a wonderful and not so traditional example of the good versus evil theme. What makes this a unique instance of good versus evil is that either side could be considered either one. Hester could very easily have been deduced as evil, or the "bad guy," as she was by the townspeople. That is, she was convicted of adultery, a horrible sin of the time, but maybe not even seen as criminal today. As for punishment, a sentence to wear a scarlet "A" upon her chest, it would hardly be considered a burden or extreme sentence in present day. Or Hester can be seen as rebelling against a society where she was forced into a loveless marriage and hence she would be the "good guy," or girl, as the case may be. Also the townspeople, the magistrates, and Chillingworth, Hester's true husband, can be seen in both lights. Either they can be perceived as just upholding the law -she committed a crime, they enforce the law. On the other hand are they going to extreme measures such as wanting to take Pearl, Hester's daughter, away just because Hester has deviated from the norm, all to enforce an unjust law that does not even apply to this situation? Although the subjects of the novel do apply to important issues in history and could have had influences on the time period, they were not great. During the times and in the Puritan community this did not have a large affect on anything. Sure, they did not want anyone committing adultery, most were killed if convicted, but it was not something that upset their way of living in any permanent manner. To an individual or group who was battling something backward in the Puritan society, as were many things, this would have been an inspirational book and possibly a revelation. In short, this book could have been exceptional; it had all the elements of a superb book. Unfortunately, Hawthorne found himself a rather large thesaurus and added a bunch of mindless prattle that mellowed out the high points of the book and expanded on the low points. In many chapters all he manages to accomplish is to update the lives of characters, mostly with irrelevant drivel. Also by expanding on the symbolism of the scarlet letter umpteenth times he wears it out so that the reader wants nothing more to do with a dumb "A" on some woman's chest hundreds of years ago. Other than that, great book.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Internet Trespass
Internet Trespass A letter to my sister regarding her website ideaHi Sis,I think that you may have quite a good idea about an amalgamation site for online dating. It would probably be a good money making site for you if you do it properly. Though I think you should look at what happened to a company called Bidder's Edge. Here is a little information that I researched for you to consider.Bidder's Edge was a site that had been created to search many online auction sites and compare the prices of similar items sought by its members. E-Bay however did not like what the company was doing and E-Bay sought to prevent Bidder's Edge from crawling its site, claiming that Bidder's Edge was going onto its site 100,000 times a day, thereby placing a burden on its systems. This was not the activity that a typical user could ever generate.Personal Property (film)Rather than claim intellectual property infringement, E-Bay alleged that by searching items listed for sale Bidder's Edge was trespassing on its site. Bidde r's Edge was not trespassing in the sense of causing damage just by their undesired presence; they were actually doing damage by accessing E-Bay so much that they accounted for a significant percentage of E-Bay's bandwidth. It had nothing to do with linking and everything to do with what amounted to a small-scale Denial of Service bandwidth plus computing resources attack.The court found that Bidder's Edge had interfered with and "damaged" E-Bay's site - and therefore its place of business. (Wolverton, 2000) Bidder's Edge was forced to cease gaining information about E-Bay's site in that manner, but it was free to pursue another other approaches not directly prohibited in the trial. In other words, the government has supported the view that databases are...
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Most Exciting Outdoor Blogs
10 Most Exciting Outdoor Blogs Are you in love with wide open spaces? Are you always in for a bit of adventure? If you answered yes to either of these questions, these ten excellent outdoor blogs may be for you. The Big Outside This website/blog, curated by a long-time outdoor enthusiast Michael Lanza, is a wealth of information, not just about wilderness adventures, but about wilderness adventures with children. Michael is a family man and has a unique perspective on adventuring with humans whose age hasn’t cracked the single digits yet. This website has plenty of the standard outdoor fare gear reviews, trips and adventures, advice – but it’s the family adventures section that really sets it apart. US Outdoor Blog The blog is a unique collection of tips articles by the staff of the U.S. Outdoor Store in Portland, Oregon. But rather than being just a place where everything is lumped together, the blog is broken into categories to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Interested in camping? Click on the â€Å"We Camp†link. Does climbing get your engine going? Check out the â€Å"We Climb†section. Need advice on clothing? â€Å"We Wear†is where you want to be. Hiking? Riding (as in snowboarding)? Skiing? Surfing? Yep, there’s a link for that. Outdoor Alliance Though the suffix on this website (.org) might give you some idea as to its purpose, its mission statement says it all: â€Å"†¦to protect, enhance, and promote the human-powered outdoor recreation experience by uniting the voice of outdoor enthusiasts to conserve America’s public lands.† brings together the likes of American Whitewater, American Canoe Association, Access Fund, International Mountain Bicycling Association, Winter Wildlands Alliance, and the Mountaineers with the goal of protecting public lands. The blog also provides the outlook for various outdoor adventures. Love the Outdoors A back-to-basics website (format, not living off the land) with a wealth of information for all your outdoor adventure needs. Though its not full of pictures and vivid Internet bells and whistles, it offers plenty of advice on everything from beginning mountain biking to avoiding wildlife habitat when finding a campsite and freshwater fishing. The Planet D is another unique perspective on the outdoor/adventure lifestyle. Long-married couple Dave and Deb left their jobs in the Toronto Film Industry to start a life of adventure and travel. Experience round-the-world adventures through their eyes. Mr And Mrs Adventure Newly-married couple Drew and Brittany left behind their California lives to travel far and wide, experience adventure, and live in a van (not down by the river). is another unique perspective amidst the mass of outdoor websites. What are the challenges of being married and constantly on the road? This site is filled with great advice on living the nomadic life and finding adventure wherever you are. The Campsite Blog A foray into the spiritual as well as the outdoors. is all about creative ideas that spur adventure, travel experiences, and subjects of conversation and debate. To quote the blog itself: â€Å"The Campsite is all about sharing and learning from one another just as we would sitting around that cozy campfire.†But is about more than just finding yourself outdoors (and yes, there is a double meaning in â€Å"finding yourself†), its â€Å"In The Backpack†section provides a wide range of articles that will help you in your journey into yourself and into the wilderness. Dirtbag Darling A great resource for the outdoor adventure lifestyle from former surf-magazine editor Johnie Gall. The site is organized by activity (water, land, snow) and places (east coast, west coast, mid-west, south international) and includes how-to guides, gear reviews, a journal, and a section entitled, â€Å"Defenders of Fun†. An interesting site with advice and musings from a girl who’s not afraid to live in a van. Adventure Filled An adventure-filled blog from adventure enthusiast Laurie Tewksbury. has the usual gear reviews and how-tos for the outdoor adventurer but it also has some unique perspectives about life and love (of the outdoors). Check out â€Å"52 in 52†about Laurie’s goal of achieving 52 hikes in 52 weeks or â€Å"How to Keep Adventuring When Life Gets in the Way†. Just a Colorado Gal A blog about life and living outdoors (not literally but as much as possible). Blog writer Heather chronicles her adventures around the world, touches on the standard topics of gear and various forms of outdoor activities, and throws in some perspectives on health, fitness, and the state of being away from civilization. So whether you’re new to the lifestyle or a long time adventure-seeker, you’d be hard pressed to go wrong with any of these excellent outdoor blogs.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss the potential and actual benefits of boardroom diversity in Essay - 1
Discuss the potential and actual benefits of boardroom diversity in publicly listed companies - Essay Example The people from different countries have variuos technical and social skills that are unique to the individuals that can help in coming up with new ideas that facilitate the growth of the Puplic listed companies. Mallin (2013) stated that having people from different countries benefit the company in the following ways: Public companies with people from diverse cultures enable people from different countries to associate themselves with the company hence reducing the chances for discrimination. The people who work in the companies generate to the growth of the business with their skills hence they are appreciated for the work they do and not about the race or ethnicity they orinate from. There are wide ranges of perspectives on challenges and issues brought about by a multicultural workforce. Spira (2002) stated that individuals from variuos backgrounds incorporate their own exclusive cultural experiences to the tough situations they encounter in their Limited companies and their wider perspective of standpoints tend to allow them to be at a better position to come up with ultimate resolutions. This a benefit to the company as they are able to solve problems that come up during the operations of the company without involving external sources hence saving the costs involved in solving the issues. Martin (2006) stated that companies that employ individuals from diverse backgrounds provide the a wider coverage in the global market place. For instance,when a company is located in different countries,they are able to allocate the employess who are familiar with the citizens in that particular counrty hence enabling the customers to associate with the people that they understand better interms of language and other factors such as culture. Arun and Turner (2009) stated that the ability to speak and write accurately in different languages enables the employees
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mcdonald's Marketing Campaign 2012 Research Paper
Mcdonald's Marketing Campaign 2012 - Research Paper Example Consumers want transparency and high standard of service. People want to take this as an opportunity to clarify all sorts of doubts and controversies that they have been hearing with regards to McDonalds over the years like the processing of chicken waste in the making of McNuggets etcetera. â€Å"Things from beef grades to the pink slime controversy are being questioned, and at first glance it seems as though McDonald’s is going to do something radical about our concerns†(Falconi, 2012). McDonalds might have achieved the intended aim behind running this campaign had all questions been answered objectively. However, McDonalds has still not confirmed its plans of addressing the concerns of the consumers. Lack of addressing of the questions has made the consumers think that McDonalds is doing false advertising. Many answers are cynical and manipulative rather than simple and straight-forward. Rather than answering the consumers’ questions, McDonalds is trying to find its way out smartly which is as frustrating for the consumers as difficult it is for McDonalds. Many answers are merely correction of the questions rather than answers (Falconi, 2012). The tricky answers have even shaken the trust of those consumers who had placed confidence in McDonalds meals before the campaign. Consumers are always curious to know more about a brand whether or not they are loyal to it. Any campaign that invites any question from the consumers without any restraint is bound to fail because consumers tend to take benefit of the situation and come up with cheesy questions. An organization has to establish limits somewhere because if everything is made transparent, it becomes very hard to make profits. Every organization has certain secret strategies that help the organization get competitive advantage. Complete transparency slips everything over to the stakeholders and the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
City Planners Analysis Essay Example for Free
City Planners Analysis Essay The City-Planners is an indictment on the superficiality of progress, and the attribution of incorrigible rationality to the same. The poem views modern life as empty, artificial, and its inhabitants as robotic and lacking in spirit. The land in the city has a great contrast with the rural land. The influx of people moving from rural to urban areas keeps on increasing to this day. Living in such an environment with only concrete, steel and buildings, man consequently becomes more mechanical, stressed and partially dehumanized. The absence of vast land in cities deprives the harmony that a huge area of empty land provides. This absence of land in cities is severely criticized by Margaret Atwood in this poem where the houses in pedantic rows shows lack of warmth. The theme of this poem is perfection, uniformity, man’s attempts to control nature, and its lust of power (the city planners). As the poet moves about in a residential area, she is offended by the sanities of the area. The word sanities may possess a double meaning here. Firstly, it may allude to the unnatural sanitariness of the place. Secondly, it may denote the saneness of minds, or soundness that render them sophisticated, uniform and therefore boring. The dry August sunlight alludes to the province from which the speaker hails: Canada. The houses in rows appear too pedantic to be real. The trees have the appearance of being planted to render the scene picture-perfect. The levelness of surface further provokes the poetess as it appears to be a rebuke to the dent in their car door. There is no shouting there, no shatter of glass. No instinctive action takes place here: everything is after-thought and preplanned. There are no shouts here, no loud wants as people are economically well-off and complacent. The only noise is the rational whine of a power mower. It is that rationality that makes this noise a voice. In the era of applied technology, this sound is more pleasing to the ears than emotional echoes. The power mower cut a straight swath in the discouraged grass; and thus established the victory of Science over Nature. Throughout the second stanza there has been absolutely no mention of any human movement, making it seem as if the sub-division is empty. This could metaphorically indicate that the people living here live empty, monotonous lives that are without meaning. The driveways neatly revealing even roads, appear like mathematical units. Even a domestic entity like a coiled pipe appears as poisonous as a snake, as it is out of place. The windows portray a fixed-stare as though everything is static, and nothing is kinetic. The natural scenery appears to be at the back of this residential area. Mans mistakes seem to offer more than his creations in this stanza. The poetess seems to plead and demand at the same time when she opines give momentary access. The speaker hopes that the future cracks in the plaster will enable one to view the breathtaking natural view behind. She also admits that, â€Å"the houses in pedantic rows, the planted sanitary trees, offend us with their transitory lines, rigid as wooden borders†. Mans mistakes seem to offer more than his creations in this stanza. The poet is trying to give power back to nature here, and stating that nature will eventually, definitely rise once again and break down these suburbs. Margaret Atwood claims that there will come an inevitable stage when nature will ultimately conquer. Houses will capsize into clay seas. Is the poetess foreboding a natural disaster, most probably a Tsunami? It would only take a minute to put to years of city-planning to naught. They will appear like glaciers then. The speaker utilizes the metaphor of ice to connote transience. Nobody notices how fleeting all this is. Blizzards and snows are used as an extended metaphor for the blindness and confusion of a city that is completely bland and uniform, in which the people do not even realise how routine and structured their lives and the suburbia in general are in reality. These City Planners-calculating and manipulative in their approach to reach their ends are no less than political conspirators. In such a situation, they will be subjected to unsurveyed territories they had not even envisaged. They will be hidden from each other, where competitiveness will take a back-seat. The poem eventually envisages the city planners’ consequences of being greedy, and ends by saying that, the creations of these city planners will inevitably be destroyed by nature. To counteract the disturbing effect upon the human mind, land must be used in an effective manner. Land is essential to instil serenity in peoples lives. To sustain the availability of land in cities, housing must be carefully planned so as to minimize the use of land. Green architects are required to maintain this balance between building and nature. The driveways neatly side-step hysteria by revealing even roads that appear like mathematical units. Hysteria is conveniently side-stepped as nothing can defy logic. The roofs also display the same slant to the hot sky. The act of displaying a slant also means the projection of an angle. This angle of avoidance is everywhere whether it to the hot sun, the smell of spilled oil, or a faint sick smell lingering in the garage. Even a splash of paint on a brick is as amazing as a bruise. A domestic entity like a coiled pipe appears as poisonous as a snake, as it is out of place. The windows portray a fixed-stare as though everything is static, and nothing is kinetic.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Disparities in Education of Minorities in the United States Essays
The problem of educational disparities among various ethno-racial groups that make up the United States has been a long studied topic. Theories have ranged widely in what they consider as the primary factors for these disparities. Biological and individualist perspectives have cited inherent genetic inferiorities as the cause of these disparities. Others have taken into account social forces but have maintained that the cause is due to the creation of a culture of subordination and poverty that does not allow social advancement. Still others have tended to focus on systemic inequalities and on the roles of prejudice and discrimination (Sidanius et al, 1998). This paper will attempt to frame the issue of educational disparities among marginalized minorities through the idea of â€Å"social dominance theory,†which states that social systems and structures are arranged hierarchically to benefit the dominant group and in turn create low-status among others (Sindanius et al, 1998). I will then more specifically look into the role of cultural mismatch between a student’s home culture and the cultural ideals that are embedded in the educational system. These cultural discontinuities affect minority students’ identities during this crucial period of development. From there, I will turn the focus to highlighting some possible solutions and alternatives to this problem of cultural mismatch and oppositional identity. These solutions will focus on the role of reclaiming education as a part of student’s home culture as well as the educational system’s role in recognizing and accommodating to these differences . In order to understand the relationship between marginalized minorities and the educational system, it is importan... ...d motivation. Psychological Review 98:224-53 Moll LC. 1992. Literacy research in community and classrooms: a sociocultural approach. In Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Literacy Research, ed. R Beach, JL Green, ML Kamil, T Shanahan, pp. 211-44. Urbana, IL: Natl. Counc. Teach. Engl. Oyserman, D., Grant, L., and Ager, J. (1995). A socially contextualized model of African American identity: Possible selves and school persistence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69 (6), 1216-1232 Sidanius, J., Levin, S., & Pratto, F. Hierarchical group relations, institutional terror and the dynamics of the criminal justice system. Racism: The Problem and the Response, Sage Publications, 1998, 136-165. Tatum, B.D. (1997). â€Å"Why are all the Black kids sitting together at the cafeteria? And other conversations about race.†(pp. 52-90). New York: Basic Books
Monday, November 11, 2019
Alcoholics Anonymous
Metropolitan areas usually have specialized groups, based on such member characteristics as gender, length Of time in recovery, age, sexual orientation, profession, ethnicity, and language spoken†(CAST, 2008). Vast majorities of drug addiction treatment programs encourage the participation of self-help group therapy during and after formal treatment because the patients benefit from the social reinforcement that comes from peer discussion, while also helping to promote, achieve, and maintain drug-free and healthy lifestyles.The 12-Step Program is a uniquely, well-rounded phase of treatment that includes maintaining a close relationship with a sponsor who is experienced with self-discipline and long-term abstinence. The meetings also incorporate skills such as helping others, taking responsibility for recovery, sharing personal experiences, and accepting the existence of a higher power. â€Å"Research has shown that when group therapy either is offered in conjunction with indi vidualized drug counseling or is formatted to reflect the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy or contingency management, positive outcomes are achieved†(NADIA, 2012).The original 12 Step Guide was inspired and created in 1935 by pioneer AAA members. A couple years later, the two founders of AAA published a book based on their experiences, including both the failures and the successes. The book describes the original AAA philosophy and methods, along with establishing the Twelve Steps. Although it has been revised throughout the years, and continues to be updated, the Twelve Steps have remained intact as it carries on its stories of success from one group to the other.Nearly four decades of scientific research and clinical practice has taught us about many diverse and effective approaches to the treatment of drug addiction, resulting in the creation of overall manuals and guides throughout the years. The etiology of substance use disorders can be explained through a var iety of social dynamics. Genetic factors have been studied most frequently with alcohol and tobacco use disorders. â€Å"Specific genes have been identified, but the interaction of these genes with the environment is key for understanding genetic contributions†(Kiering, 2014).More often than not, drugs are used as an escape – an escape from reality – and this temporary escape is used to avoid the negative feelings and bad moods which are known to be related to withdrawal symptoms. In addition, this also helps in explaining the frequency and pattern of relapse. â€Å"Many substances are used to alter mood (e. G. , to reduce tension of increase positive affect), and people with certain personality traits, such as those high in negative affect or low in constraint, are especially likely to use drugs†(Kiering, 2014).Neurological factors, including the brain's reward pathways, seem to have an influence on the use of some substances in certain individuals. â €Å"Nearly all drugs, including alcohol, stimulate the dopamine system in the brain, which produces rewarding or pleasurable feelings. Incentive-assassination theory explains that the dopamine system becomes sensitive to the drug, as well as the cues associated with the drug (needles, rolling papers, etc. ). Sensitivity to these cues induces and strengthens wanting and craving for the drug' (Kiering, 2014).Cognitive and psychological variables are also very important to detect, such as the expectations about the effects of drugs. When an individual believes, and expects, to have positive effects from a certain drug (e. G. , drinking alcohol to reduce Stress and anxiety), the likelihood that the individual will abuse the rug is extremely high. Coloratura factors also play a vital role in how frequently a substance is used, with family and friends being the most influential.A broken family home (e. G. , marital problems, parent/sibling alcohol or drug use, and legal or psychiatric pr oblems) can have a tremendous negative effect on a child and the decisions they make. A lack of emotional support from parents is found to increase drug use, whereas the lack of parental monitoring if often associated with higher drug use (Kiering, 2014). The idea of being â€Å"popular†and having a ton of friends seems to be a moon goal for the majority of adolescents and young adults.Social influence is explained by the fact that having peers who drink, influences drinking behavior: however, it is also known that individuals will choose friends with drinking patterns similar to their own. While growing up, most of us have always been told to choose our friends wisely; however, they neglected to tell us how difficult this can be. The 1 2-Step program addresses the factors or causes that are responsible for, or related to, substance abuse by helping individuals to understand the concept of change. Processes of change are the covert and overt activities hat people engage in t o alter affect, thinking, behavior, or relationships related to particular problems or patterns of living†(NADIA, 2012). The 12-Step Program helps by addressing a patient's motivation and ability to change while building skills to resist drug use, replacing drug-using activities with constructive and rewarding activities, increasing social alternatives and behaviors that elicit old behaviors, as well as, improving problem-solving skills, and incorporating Sponsorship to help build, or rebuild, healthy interpersonal relationships.It has also been proven that participation in roof therapy, during and following treatment, can help maintain abstinence. A longitudinal study was conducted in 2011 among a U. S. National sample of people who were living in communal-living recovery/transition homes (Oxford Houses) and were also actively involved with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. â€Å"Categorical involvement in a set of 1 2-step activities and averaged summary scores of involvement were examined in relation to abstinence and self-efficacy for abstinence.Participants who were categorically involved in all 1 2-step activities reported significantly higher evils of abstinence and self-efficacy for abstinence at 1 year compared with those who were less involved†(Major, 2011). The results suggest that the 12- step program provides individuals with substance use disorders the resources they need for ongoing recovery. In 201 3, a longitudinal study, similar to the previous one, was conducted among a U. S. Sample of patients who were in the process of leaving treatment for substance use dependencies. Categorical involvement in a set of 1 2-step activities and summary scores of involvement from the Alcoholics Anonymous Affiliation Scale were examined in relation to continuous abstinence and aftercare (Oxford House or usual care) condition†(Major, 2013). The people who were actively involved and participated in the 12-step activities were s ignificantly more likely to maintain and continue drug-free lifestyles after 2 years, versus those who were less involved.Through these two studies, it is suggested that involvement in the 1 2-step program and living in settings, such as the Oxford Houses, are two important factors that are related to continuous abstinence (from both alcohol and illicit drugs) among people with substance use dependencies. Most recently, a study was done on stimulant drug abusers to evaluate the effectiveness of an 8-week combined group, which included individual 1 2-step facilitative intervention and 12-step meeting attendance and service.The study consisted of a â€Å"MultiMate randomized controlled trial, with assessments at baseline, mid-treatment, end of treatment, and 3- and 6-month post- randomization follow-ups (Fiji)†(Donovan, 2014). It took place in several intensive outpatient substance treatment programs and it measured self- reports of substance use, 12-step attendance and activi ties, as well as a Urinalysis. The results were compared with treatment as usual (TAXI), sousing on the impact of incorporating the 1 2-step program into intensive outpatient drug treatment programs.Although it did associate with more days of use among those who were not achieving abstinence during this period, â€Å"STAGE-12 participants had lower Addiction Severity Index Drug Composite scores at and a significant reduction from baseline to the 3-month IF, attended 12-step meetings on a greater number of days during the early phase of active treatment, engaged in more other types of 12-step activities throughout the active treatment phase and the entire IF period, and had ore days of self-reported service at meetings from mid-treatment through the 6-month IF†(Donovan, 2014).More importantly, the study results indicate that individuals in a 12-step program had higher rates of meeting attendance and were involved in more related activities throughout the active treatment phas e and the entire 6-month follow-up period. Being a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, myself, I absolutely recommend the 12-step program to anyone who is looking for help with their addictions. In 2012, was sentenced to do court-ordered drug counseling and it changed my life for the better.The 12-step program was originally signed for alcoholics, but throughout the years it has been known to help any type of drug addict. I was apprehensive about this at first, but I finally understood after my counselor explained that you just replace the word â€Å"alcohol†with your drug of choice. This is why you can now find individualized programs like Narcotics Anonymous, which cater to and revolve around the 12-steps. â€Å"Another benefit of mutual support group participation is that ‘helping helps the helper. Helping others by sharing experiences and providing support increases involvement in 12-Step groups, which in turn increases abstinence†(CAST, 2008). An agree, and have seen for myself, that helping truly does help the helper. Future research that has been recommended is â€Å"systematic encouragement and community access, which utilizes 12-step members as volunteers in a ‘buddy system' that provides a bridge between formal treatment and community 12-step programs†(Donovan, 2013).Instead of just providing a list of meetings and encouraging attendance, which is the typical referral method, counselors should also introduce the individual to a current member of a 1 2-step program using an in-session telephone meeting in order to arrange attending meeting with him or her. Further studies on this idea will help to determine if there IS a significant difference in rates of attendance when being provided a guide between formal treatment and community 12-step programs, as opposed to just relying on will-power.These future studies could also help the effort to decrease the rates of recidivism in drug addicts by providing an extra step into the reintegration of inmates back into society. Overall, research over the past four decades has proven that active participation in any type of mutual support group, specifically the 12-step aerogram, has significantly increased the likelihood of maintaining a continuous, healthy, alcohol and drug-free lifestyle. In addition, â€Å"an important finding is that these abstinence rates increase with greater group participation†(CAST, 2008).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
3 Basic Inventory Techniques or Cost Flow Assumptions: Fifo (Stands for First-in, First-Out), Lifo (Stands for Last-in, First-Out) and Wavg (Stands for Weighted †Average)
4. 3| As a management accounting compare and contrast the above methods and recommend suitable method to achieve the organizational objective| P2. 3,M3. 3,D1. 1| Assignment| One of the most important knowledge about accounting is 3 basic inventory techniques or cost flow assumptions: FIFO (stands for first-in, first-out), LIFO (stands for last-in, first-out) and WAVG (stands for weighted – average). In this article, I just want to focus on FIFO and LIFO. Let's review these concepts:FIFO means that the oldest inventory items are recorded as sold first but do not necessarily mean that the exact newest physical object has been tracked and sold. LIFO on the other hand means the exact opposite, the most recently purchased items are recorded as sold first. For example, a bakery produces 100 cakes on Monday at a cost of $1 each, and 100 more on Tuesday at $1. 25 each. FIFO states that if the bakery sold 100 cakes on Wednesday, the COGS is $1 per one cake (recorded on the income state ment) because that was the cost of each of the first cakes in inventory. The $1. 5 cakes would be allocated to ending inventory (appears on the balance sheet). In contrast, LIFO states that the same bakery would assign $1. 25 per cake to COGS, while the remaining $1 cakes would be used to calculate the value of inventory at the end of the period. Any company can use either FIFO or LIFO to sell their stuffs. If inflation didn't exist, both FIFO and LIFO methods would produce the exact same results. As the example above, when prices are stable, our bakery would be able to produce all of its loafs of bread at $1, and FIFO, LIFO would give us a cost of $1 per one cake.But our economy seems more complicated; prices tend to rise, which means the choice of accounting method can dramatically affect company profit. We can easily see that, if the selling price is increasing day by day, choosing the FIFO method of accounting will have the opposite affect. FIFO will help company gain more profi t. It means the inventory that you sell costs you less than the inventory that you have remaining. Therefore, the choice of FIFO accounting results in lower COGS on the income statement vs.LIFO and a higher inventory valuation on your balance sheet vs. LIFO LIFO isn't a good choice in inflation because the leftover inventory might be extremely old and, perhaps, obsolete. This results in a valuation that is much lower than today's prices. But we can't always use FIFO method because in some special situations, LIFO is the better choice. For instance, in the deflation economy, we should choose LIFO because the price will go down gradually. The newer products we sell first, the better profit we will get.One more reason for companies to consider LIFO is Tax. Because FIFO results in lower COGS on the income statement, it will make higher earnings. But when earnings are higher, taxes are also higher. And when taxes are higher, after-tax earnings become lower. On the other hand, LIFO result s in lower pre-tax earnings (since COGS are higher) and therefore it gets lower taxes and higher after-tax earnings. The process to choose FIFO or LIFO isn't simple at all, it requires the accountants to analysis carefully to give the best choice for any company.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Prop, Props, and Props To
Prop, Props, and Props To Prop, Props, and Props To Prop, Props, and Props To By Maeve Maddox Facebook postings often educate me in current usage. A recent discovery comes from this comment about a television show called Shark Tank: Georges’ caring nature steals the show and the hearts of the judges. It goes to show that character can never be undervalued or underestimated†¦Props to Paul Mitchell cofounder John Paul DeJoria for recognizing that. I was familiar with props as a shortening of several different English words, but this usage left me bewildered. NOTE: This post is for readers who, like me, have managed to remain ignorant of the expression â€Å"props to†until now. It is also for ESL learners who may not be familiar with other uses of prop. First of all, the word prop exists as a complete word in its own right, both as a noun and as a verb. The noun came first: prop noun: A stick, rod, pole, stake, or beam used as a temporary support or to keep something in position; in extended use, anything that serves to support something or keep it in place. A fruit-laden plant may need a wooden prop to hold its branches off the ground. Shakespeare used prop in its figurative sense in The Merchant of Venice. When the character Gobbo is told that his son is dead, the old man exclaims, â€Å"Oh no, God forbid! the boy was the staff of my old age, my prop!†From the noun came the verb: prop verb: To support or keep from falling by or as if by a prop; to keep in position with a prop, or with something used as a prop. A gardening site advises, â€Å"Learn to prop up your plants before they flop.†An op-ed writer asserts, â€Å"Government should not prop up greyhound racing.†The verb is often used with the particle up, but not always: â€Å"1 Billion IMF Loan Props British Pound.†The clipped form prop is used to represent different words. Proposition In the context of political writing, a proposed law, called a proposition, is often referred to as â€Å"a Prop†: â€Å"Opponents argue that Prop 47 will put thousands of criminals back on our streets without first ensuring they have been rehabilitated.†â€Å"Proposition betting†is a wagering term. A â€Å"prop bet†is placed on some contingency related to the game but it has nothing to do with which side wins or loses. Here are some prop bets that were made on the Super Bowl XLIX: Will Idina Menzel forget or omit at least one word of the official US national anthem? What will Katy Perry be wearing when she begins the halftime show? What color will Bill Belichick’s hoodie be? Proprietor An old-fashioned way to display the name of a shop owner on a sign or business card was to precede or follow the name with the abbreviation Prop. for proprietor: â€Å"H. W. Jones, Prop.†The abbreviation came to be used as a word to mean owner, as in â€Å"Who is the prop of this establishment?†Proprietary This is a Wall Street idiom. When a trader uses the firm’s own money to trade for currencies and commodities- as opposed to using depositors’ money- the operation is called â€Å"proprietary trading.†The term is often shortened to â€Å"prop trading†and the agent who does it is a â€Å"prop trader.†Here’s a recent headline from Business Insider: â€Å"A Prop Trader Explains His Work, His Salary, And Why Everyone Is Wrong About His Profession.†Propeller The word propeller to mean a device for propelling a machine dates from the 18th century, but the shortening prop for propeller dates to World War I when pilots started referring to airplane propellers as props. Nowadays, the word is more frequently used attributively to describe a certain kind of plane: â€Å"Angelina Jolie is well known for her love of aviation. And the mother-of-six indulged in her favourite pastime on Friday with a trip in the pilot seat of a small prop plane.†Property In the context of putting on a play, a prop is â€Å"an object used in a performance. Prop and props in the context of theater derives from property and properties. A prop usually seen in a performance of Macbeth is a cauldron. By extension, a prop can be any kind of accessory, as in this example from the OED: â€Å"Interspersedwere the other props of a traditional Jewish homea Purim megillah.†The props in the expression â€Å"props to†differs from all of these shortenings in that it telescopes a phrase: proper respects. In the quotation that introduced me to this expression, â€Å"Props to Paul Mitchell†means is â€Å"Congratulations to Paul Mitchell,†or â€Å"Good for Paul Mitchell.†The use of props in the sense of â€Å"due respect†appears suddenly on the Ngram Viewer in 1992 and shoots upward in a vertical line on the graph. The OED labels this use of props as slang, â€Å"originally in African-American usage,†and provides a citation from 1990: â€Å"I was one of the first female rappers, but Ive always gotten my props.†- Chicago Tribune Merriam-Webster defines props as â€Å"something that is said to publicly thank and give special attention to someone for doing something; credit or recognition.†Although props in the sense of recognition seems to have moved up from slang to colloquial, it is still not considered to be standard. In time, however, it may replace worn-out kudos. Related posts Word Clipping Kudo vs Kudos Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of Language50 Types of PropagandaA "Diploma" is not a "Degree"
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Would Mark Zuckerbergs Resume Look Like if Facebook Failed
What Would Mark Zuckerbergs Resume Look Like if Facebook Failed We all spend so much time fretting about what is and what is not on our resumes. We also spend a great deal of time idolizing tech billionaires and entrepreneurs who went an unorthodox route and really made career magic happen for themselves. But what does a carefree, â€Å"I made it on my own†resume really look like on paper? It’s important to remember that the risk takers and innovators often have resumes that look a little out of balance. And hey, it worked out for them. No matter what your past looks like, there’s proof that a lot of hard work (and sure, a smidgen of luck) can combine to bring you great success.Here are a few bullet points from Mark Zuckerberg’s would-be resume if his Facebook gamble had failed and he had found himself out on the post-grad job market with the rest of his Harvard class.Mark ZuckerbergEducationHarvard University, Psychology and Computer Science  (Sept 2002 – ongoing)Phillips Exeter Academy, Classical studies and Science  (May 1999-2001)   GPA 4.0Software Development ExperienceFacemash         (Oct 2003 – ongoing)Internal social media website allowing visitors to rate their classmates at Harvard University as â€Å"hot†or â€Å"not.†Hugely popular and experienced such a spike in numbers as to overwhelm the Harvard servers.CourseMatch  (2003 – ongoing)Mini-social medial, the first of its kind, allowing university students to choose their courses based on the choices of their classmates, and to form study groups and meet-ups.Synapse Media Player (2000 – 2001)App using artificial intelligence to learn the listening preferences of the user, then recommending appropriate music. Featured on the SlashDot, rated 3/5 by PCMag, and reached more than 1000 downloads in the first month alone. Attracted significant interest from Microsoft and AOL.AchievementsFounded two of the most popular apps at HarvardWon over 10 prizes in Math, Physics, Astronomy, and ClassicsProficient or advanced proficient in six languages (English, Mandarin Chinese, French, Hebrew, Latin, Ancient Greek)Developed first software application at the age of 12Captain of prep school fencing teamTech Skills StrengthsProduct DevelopmentArtificial IntelligenceHTML CSSPHPAtari BasicSoftware ApplicationsZuckNet (1996 – 1997)Dental practice software, designed at age 12 using Atari Basic, allowing family computers to communicate with those of family dental practice.Computer versions of Monopoly Risk (1995-1996)Digitized versions of two popular board games for up to 6 players.MembershipsAlpha Epsilon PiKirkland House PassionsThe Odyssey The Iliad, Tennis, Rowing, Fencing, and Programming Verdict? Not really all that impressive. Keep this in mind as you build your own resume. Make sure to view your career goals and accomplishments with a healthy amount of perspective.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Globalization Photo and Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Globalization Photo and Statement - Assignment Example In economics, globalization is essentially the convergence of prices, rates of interest, product wages and profits. The mentioned are directed towards developed country norms on the role of international trade, human migration, and integration of financial markets and movement of capital. The International Monetary Fund has noted the growing economic independence of many countries through the through the steady increase in volume and variety in the cross-border transactions. It has also noted the economic independence through free international capital flows as well as the rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. Those supporting free trade point out that advantage suggest that comparative trade mostly leads to efficient allocation of resources. The trade therefore benefits generally leading to lower prices, more employment and higher living standards (Schaeffer
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